At the end of 2023, Nantes University Hospital obtained funding from Mutuelles AXA to carry out large-scale research using data and samples from the OMIN registry.

The aim of this research project, entitled BIOMINRISK, is to identify new biological markers SUDI for a better understanding of its mechanisms along three axes: genetic, neurobiological and radio-anatomical. To this end, data and samples from 250 children who have died of SUDI and 500 controls will be studied in this research coordinated by Dr Fleur LORTON, a pediatrician at the CHU’s Pediatric Emergency Department.

To date, 15 French university hospitals have agreed to take part in the study: Nantes (coordinating center), Jean-Verdier (AP-HP), Antoine Béclère (AP-HP), Marseille, Rouen, Montpellier, Lyon, Brest, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Besançon, Amiens, Angers, Grenoble and Nancy.

All regulatory approvals have been obtained, and the first installations began in April 2024.

Ultimately, BIOMINRISK aims to reduce the number of avoidable deaths linked to SUDI in France, and in other countries, through personalized prevention actions made possible by these new biomarkers.

Regular updates will be provided on the progress of this project.

French registry of SUDI – Key Data

On the occasion of the national prevention week for unexpected infant death syndrome in France, held from September 18 to 22, the French registry on SUDI presents its key figures.

These figures are based on data on cases of SUDI recorded in the registry between May 2015 and June 2022.

Ongoing prevention by healthcare and early childhood professionals, and the tireless work of researchers, are two key factors for a rapid reduction in these alarming figures.

This poster was created in collaboration with the Pays de la Loire Regional Health Observatory.

The press is talking about us!

Research published in The Lancet has recently revealed a constant increase in the rate of infant mortality among children under 1 year of age in France over the past decade.

On this occasion, the French registry of SUDI team was asked by three newspapers to present the missions of the registry, which is an essential tool to try to understand this increase in infant mortality in France. Indeed, data and samples from the registry are made available to research teams in order to answer research hypotheses that could explain these alarming figures.

To read all the articles, click here: Ouest France / Le Monde / Le Figaro

Scientific Council of French registry of SUDI – 7th edition!

The 7th scientific council of the French registry of SUDI registry was held on 2023, June 26th.

On this occasion, about twenty experts in the field of SUDI were able to discuss current and future research projects.

The alarming fact of the high number of SUDI in France remains topical (about 300 each year): the scientific world continues its mobilization around this subject in order to better understand the determinants of these deaths to better avoid them.

The scientific council of the French registry of SUDI meets once a year and its main mission is to formulate proposals on the epidemiological and scientific orientations concerning the exploitation of the national data of the registry.

French National Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy Prevention Week

From September 18 to 22, 2023, the Referal Centers of SUDI and parents’ associations mobilized for the national week for the prevention of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI).

We estimate that up to 150 cases of SUDI could be prevented each year if families were better informed about the risk factors for sleep-related accidents. This event is therefore an opportunity to discuss risk factors for SUDI and to remind families of good sleeping practices.

At Nantes University Hospital, the team once again mobilized throughout the week to spread prevention messages in the maternity, pediatrics, pediatric emergency and children’s surgery departments (workshops, quizzes, posters, distribution of flyers, intervention by the tobacco nurse, etc.).

The Naitre et Vivre association has a French prevention video on its website, produced by Dr Jules Fougères, which you can watch here => Le lit des 7 erreurs

From left to right: Dr Karine LEVIEUX (French registry of SUDI medical coordinator), Ms Nathalie HEGRON (nursery nurse), Ms Caroline KERIVEL (nursery nurse), Ms Elodie LE TEXIER (Nantes referral center nurse and French registry of SUDI technical coordinator), Ms Audrey JAULIN (nursery nurse), Ms Lucie FAVREAU (nursery nurse).

French registry of SUDI data available on Geodes

Santé Publique France asked the coordination members of the French registry of SUDI for the dissemination of data to the general public (number of SUDI deaths by region, SUDI death rate by department,…).

This release was finalized in September 2022 and is now visible on the platform ” GEO DONNEES EN SANTE PUBLIQUE – Géodes” .

A lot of information about MIN is also available on the Santé Publique France website.

Launch of BIOMINRISK research project

The Nantes University Hospital has just obtained funding from the Mutuelles AXA to carry out a large-scale research project over the next 3 years based on data and samples from the OMIN registry.

This project is led by Dr Fleur LORTON, pediatrician at the pediatric emergency department of the CHU.

The objective of the BIOMINRISK research project is to identify new biological markers of SUDI for a better understanding of its mechanisms around three axes: genetic, neurobiological and radio-anatomical. Ultimately, the BIOMINRISK project aims to reduce the number of avoidable deaths related to SUDI in France and in other countries through personalized prevention actions made possible by these new biomarkers.

Regular communications will be made to inform on the progress of this project.